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Introducing the Pi Network (Pi Currency and Pi Network)

☼ What is PI Network ?

PI Network is a revolutionary SocialChain App by the team of Stanford PhD's giving the economic and social power of blockchain technology and the cryptocurrencies into the hands of everyday people by redefining wealth. PI's vision is to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer marketplace, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency.

As in the earlier days of Bitcoin, it was really easy to mine it. Though you could have earned 50 BTC only by running the mining software on your personal computer. It didn't remain for so long until one after the other the mining companies began spreading around the world. It turned into such a frenzy that these companies started developing specialised chips (ASIC) to mine this digital currency.

This approach gave the power to the companies like Bitmain etc. For a better understanding what it caused is that today in 2019 more than %80 of the Bitcoins are owned by only the %1 of the network! It was against the purpose of this technology and created a very huge handicap for solo miners, not even mentioning everyday people. Most can only buy it... a fraction of it, to be honest!

Have a phone? You got PI!
Pi Network and its native Pi currency are a hot and interesting recent development in the areas of crypto-currency and social platforms. It’s interesting both for its scope as well as approach. The current homepage of the project is at but information is very limited, which is the reason for this post.

☼ What Pi will be for

The currency Pi will be the medium of exchange on a new platform that might evolve from the current basic discussion forum app to a peer-to-peer marketplaces where users will be able to exchange goods, services, and even user’s attention (to advertisements.)

One of the key ideas appears to be that the users, who earn Pi coins simply by participating in building out the network of trust, will own a fair part of the platform. The platform will replace (expensive) middlemen such as Facebook, Ebay, Apple and Google, and return control over and ownership of your social interactions back to you.

The value of the platform will drive the value of Pi. Platform users will hold Pi themselves and thereby own the platform. And users interacting among each other will be the value of the platform.

☼ Who are behind it

The app on Apple App Store is distributed by SocialChain Inc., a Delaware company. Do not confuse SocialChain Inc. with corporations with similar names that are incorporated elsewhere. The Stanford graduates developing this project are from the Stanford Blockchain Collective. The IDs used by that core team combined with some Internet searching will quickly lead to identities of a number of people.

The “core team” consists of three people, with apparently a center of gravity in building social systems:

Vincent McPhillip @vince – Head of Community
Mr. McPhillip studied political science at Yale (BA) and business at Stanford (MBA), and seems interest in building social movements, and in particular into democratization of wealth distribution.
Nicolas Kokkalis @nicolas – Head of Technology
Dr. Kokkalis was affiliated with Stanford and has published a number of papers related to motivating people to contribute to a common goal. Co-authors include Dr. Fan (see below), and Prof. Michael Bernstein (Standford faculty) who is studying crowdsourcing. Dr. Kokkalis is a computer scientist.
Dr. Chengdiao Fan @cfan – Head of Product
Dr. Fan was a collaborator on some of Nicolas’ papers, while affiliated with Palo Alto University. According to her profile and LinkedIn she graduated, studying Computational Anthropology, from Stanford.
☼ Official Resources

For official information known already read the white-paper draft and the FAQ:

Home page:
Official FAQ:
Official Whitepaper:

You can join PI Network now and start mining on your mobile to end the dominance of "so-called" Decentralized Bitcoin

Start earning cryptocurrency today with our free, energy-light mobile app. Breakthrough tech allows you to mine on your phone without draining your battery.

Download the mobile app to start earning today. Use your invitation code "hientran" after installing the app. App Wallet miner: Google Play or App Store.

Thanks for reading and good luck!

1 comment

  1. thank you for your Articles and descriptions
    about pi network :
